It may be that cats are very attuned to subtle energies and since Feng Shui is all about energy, people may find a connection between the two. Cats like to sleep in warm, cozy corners where there might also be a soft pillow or a fresh pile of laundry, seeking an area where the ch’i flows favorably. By nature cats are nocturnal----ask anyone who owns a cat about those night-time tirades where hanging from curtains or "cat"- apulting over the back of chairs is just normal behavior. Feng Shui also prefers a good balance of yin energy—soft and winding paths, fountains, gentle breezes.

It’s not that dogs aren’t good indicators of energy, but you must admit they lack subtlety. A cat knows how to coerce ch’i to get what they want. They can masterfully stare changes into happening. They will stare at a door so long that suddenly it will open for them. They can stare at their owner from across the room for hours if needed until food appears, or a lap, from which they can choose which one will fulfill their needs at the moment.
A few years back, I kept track of this cat phenomenon. Each and every one of my clients had a cat or two, even three. This lasted unbroken for nearly two years. Back in those days I was doing two to three appointments a week. That’s a lot of homes with a lot of cats. I even wrote a tongue-in-cheek article back then sharing this observation if you want to ponder more about this topic.
My question is whether cats actually enhance the Feng Shui of a space or not. Or do they simply manage to get themselves adopted into a home that already has good Feng Shui. Perhaps that will always remain their secret. But, as a cat love, I myself am happy they’re here doing what they do----which is pretty much nothing.
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